
Saturday, November 26, 2011

1882: Queer Doings of the Moon in Lebanon

New Philadelphia, Ohio Democrat January 26, 1882

Queer Doings of the Moon in Lebanon

NORWICH, CONN., Jan. 14.--A singu-
lar lunar phenomenon was noticed on the
evening of Jan. 3, by several residents of
the town of Lebanon, in this county.
It was just after sunset, the moon almost
full, being about three-quarters of an
hour high, and the sky perfectly clear.
A resident of Lebanon thus describes it:

"Two pyramidal luminous protuberan-
ces appeared on the moon's upper limb.
They were not large, but gave the moon
a look strikingly like that of a horned
owl or the head of an English bull terrier.
These points were a little darker than the
moon's face. They slowly faded away a
few moments after their appearance; the
one on the righ and southeasterly quar-
ter disappeared first. About three min-
utes after their disappearance two black,
triangular notches were seen on the edge
of the lower half of the moon. These
joints gradually moved toward each other
along the moon's edge, and seemed to be
cutting off or obliterating nearly a quar-
ter of its surface, until they finally met,
when the moon's face instantly assumed
its normal appearance. When the notch-
es were nearing each other the part of the
moon seen between them was in the form
of a dove's tail."

Finder's Credit: Rod Brock

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